Best Night Splints for Plantar Fasciitis Reviews

Plantar Fasciitis and Night Splints So why have Best Night Splints for Plantar Fasciitis Reviews? If you have Plantar Fasciitis it’s the reason you hate getting out of bed in the morning. The first painful step out of bed, and that pain in your heel. There are many ways to treat plantar fasciitis pain, but … Read more

Best Foot Massager for Plantar Fasciitis

Best Foot Massager for Plantar Fasciitis Your foot has a thick, fibrous band of tissue (”fascia”) reaching from your heel to your toes. These tissues support the muscles and arch of the foot. When they’re overly stretched, tiny tears can occur in their surface.  These tiny tears will cause inflammation and pain. A number of … Read more

KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis Review

KT Tape for Plantar Fasciitis Review So you have some plantar fasciitis pain.  We all know it hurts, I personally had a period of time where plantar fasciitis was affecting my right foot.  I tried many different solutions, to help resolve the issue. One which helped a lot was using KT or Kinesio Tape.  Below is … Read more